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Our Instructors
We encourage our students to compete in showing. Our lesson program is geared to instruct students to compete in levels of showing from schooling shows all they way up to USEF AA show levels.
Rebecca (Becky) Bradley
Owner, Operator and Instructor

Certified ARIA Hunt Seat Level II Riding Instructor and USHJA Certified Trainer Level I
USHJA - United States Hunter Jumper Association - The USHJA is the United States national equestrian organization for hunters and jumpers.
ARIA - American Riding Instructor Association ARIA is a nationally recognized certification program with national standards of excellence and integrity.
Safe Sport Certified
Education Experience:
2006 - USHJA Trainers Symposium with Denny Robertshaw, Karen Healey & Norman Dello Joio
2008 - USHJA Trainers Symposium with Harold Chopping, Scott Hofstetter & Danny Robertshaw
2009 - USHJA Trainers Symposium with George Morris

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